July 24, 2020 Member Update

Jul. 24, 2020



Saskatchewan Soccer and all member organizations continue to adhere to all Government of Saskatchewan Public Health Orders regarding the COVID 19 pandemic.
This week’s increase in cases in the province should serve as a reminder that the risk of transmission continues, and that we all must continue to do our part to limit the spread of COVID 19 and to keep our participants safe.  
It has been 3 weeks now since any major plan updates. We hope that with the reduced amount of new information, this provides your organization the time and capacity to become more accustomed to our temporary new normal in program delivery.
The FAQ have been updated this week to include answers to the following questions:
When can a participant return after being sick?
What happens when government guidelines aren’t followed?
Can rural Member Organizations that do not have numbers to make a 50-person mini league within their own communities combine with a neighbouring community?

Thomas Hasal makes MLS Debut

It has been an exciting week on the big stage in the MLS is Back Tournament and a special week for Saskatchewan’s own Thomas Hasal.  Replacing injured goalkeeper Maxime Crépeau, Hasal made his MLS debut for the Vancouver Whitecaps on July 19th versus the Seattle Sounders. Then on July 23rd, in the Whitecaps’ next match of the tournament, Hasal had his first MLS start, and what a start it was, with a fantastic showing from Hasal and a clean sheet, 2-0 win over Chicago Fire. Hasal was awarded the well-deserved game ball following the match.
Hasal is a goalkeeper from Saskatoon who developed at the Whitecaps FC Saskatchewan Academy Centre. He joined the Whitecaps Residency program in August 2016. He was signed to the club's Development Squad in November 2018, and then an MLS Homegrown contract in March 2019.
The next Vancouver Whitecaps match is this Sunday, July 26 at 9:00 PM SK time.
Follow the Vancouver Whitecaps for the latest news and to let Thomas know how proud his home province is of him!
Facebook @whitecapsfc
Instagram @whitecapsfc

#ChooseToInclude - Global Week of Inclusion

This week, July 20th - 26th, is Special Olympics’ Global Week of Inclusion, a week to celebrate diversity and sport!
As a proud partner of Special Olympics Saskatchewan, we encourage your organization to take part in the #ChooseToInclude Campaign, just like the SSA Staff did!
More importantly, we encourage you to work with your local Special Olympics Organization to provide opportunities. All Special Olympics Soccer players are also SSA members - we can help you to connect the Special Olympics organization in your community.
To find out how you can show your support this week visit https://www.specialolympics.ca/weekofinclusion
To find out more on SSA’s adaptive soccer strategies visit our website.


SSA is looking for a volunteer(s) who would be interested in the important role of preserving Saskatchewan Soccer’s History by actively engaging as a historian. Having formed in 1905, SSA has a long and interesting history, and while part of this history is well documented in the book ‘Saskatchewan Soccer - A History’, records past the book’s release date of 1988 are incomplete and require attention.   
If this is an opportunity that interests you, please email Nicole Drozda to express your interest.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Member Organizations in the Media

We have enjoyed all the recent stories in the media showcasing the great work your organizations have been doing!  Please remember to tag us when you share these posts and we would be happy to share your news on our channels as well!
Instagram @sasksoccer

Rural Webinar

This week we held two Return to Soccer Webinars as an introduction to Return to Soccer Planning and to address the unique needs of rural soccer.  If you would like a recording of the webinar, or if you’d like to schedule a live webinar for your organization, please email Nicole Drozda.

Member Discussions

The amount of new information related to COVID19 and sport is slowing down for the time being, and with major planning in August and staff now scheduled for holidays, we have decided that our next call will take place on Tuesday, August 11th followed by a call Sept 8th.  If things change, and we need to communicate sooner, we will schedule a call accordingly.
Tuesday, August 11th at 8:00 PM - Click here to register.
Tuesday, September 8th at 8:00 PM - Click here to register.
All Member Discussion Recordings are available on our YouTube Channel.  

Diversity & Inclusion 

We want to thank all those who have submitted Expression of Interest for our advisory group.  We will be in touch in the weeks ahead to outline next steps. 
Also, as part of our Diversity & Inclusion strategy please share the below link widely, mark your calendar and engage in this online learning opportunity!   
July 29 - Regina Open Door Society, Cultural Awareness Training from 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm. This program provides cultural awareness training to organizations and communities for free (Registration required). 

SSA Calendar of Events 

Recordings of past webinars and COVID 19 member calls can be found on our YouTube Channel
July 29 - Regina Open Door Society, Cultural Awareness Training from 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm. This program provides cultural awareness training to organizations and communities for free (Registration required).
August 11 - Member Discussion
September 8 - Member Discussion
Major Events for 2021 
Multisport Games and re-scheduled date confirmations 

Canada Soccer Nation Inside  

Every Friday - Canada Soccer Podcast


As a reminder, please continue to take care of yourself, your families, and others. 
Wash your hands frequently (it is the single most effective way of reducing infection spread).
Practice other good hygiene habits: do not touch your face/eyes/mouth with your hands and cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough (ideally with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow).
Clean and disinfect frequently touched workspace surfaces.
Maintain good general health (eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and move in moderation).
Stay home if you are sick

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