RAMP Sports Management System

From 2014-2019, SSA has provided access to Goalline, a comprehensive registration and soccer management system. The system has helped with soccer management, administrative requirements and also critical data requirements of SSA, SSA Members, Sask Sport, Canada Soccer and FIFA. A 2018 target of the SSA's Strategic Plan was to undertake a membership feedback process to determine if the system is meeting SSA and Member needs in the present and long term; in the near future, for example, all Provinces registration systems will need to link with Canada Soccer's National Soccer Registry.
In the latter part of 2018, a full review of Goalline was undertaken. We have been grateful for excellent support and leadership from the SMS Working Group (SMSWG), a committee made up of Member Organization representatives, SSA Staff and Canada Soccer staff, who have contributed at all phases of our review the past year.
At the 2019 SSA Annual General Meeting, a full report was provided on Goalline and with support of membership, it was recommended that we would go forward with an RFP process to consider options from the marketplace. In May 2019, an RFP was distributed to major vendors.
In June 2019, the SMSWG completed scoring on the six comprehensive RFP responses received.
Three vendors were then invited to Saskatoon to provide full day, in-person presentations of their online systems and services. In July, references, pricing negotiations, and implementation strategies were all considered. In August, with all materials assembled and analyzed, the SMSWG finalized their review and gave their unanimous recommendation to go forward with
RAMP Interactive as our new online registration and soccer management service partner.
RAMP is a Canadian company, out of Edmonton, and after our lengthy due diligence process we are confident that they are well positioned to meet all our online needs.
We look forward to working with our Member Organizations and RAMP during the implementation process. Going forward we are confident RAMP will provide SSA with a comprehensive and integrated system that will meet the needs of our organization.
RAMP Support
RAMP will initiate multiple training methods which will consist of web conferencing screen share sessions and in person mass training sessions. Their dedicated staff will be working to provide all of our training.
SSA members can call into RAMP's support department with any questions that arise after the Fall Session and moving forward.
Phone: 866-607-7267
Their support hours are as follows (all MST), Monday 7:30 am - 6:00 pm, Tuesday to Friday 7:30 am - 7:00 pm, Weekends 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.
RAMP's support department offers a multi-channel support system that consists of web self-help videos on both their Online Registration and Website platforms. Support is also directly available via email, phone or web conferencing via Zoom Video Communications.
Training Videos
RAMP Instructions